Breach Response and Resolution Planning for the Company

Summary of Benefits

Who is eligible: Data Breach services are available for your covered business.

Data breaches come in all shapes and sizes, from hacking, malware, card fraud, insider fraud to exposed records, the list goes on. Your covered business account with your Program Sponsor includes the following Breach services.

Data Breach Response Services

If an incident arises, no matter how large or how small, NXG’s Data Breach Response Team will develop and deliver a comprehensive Breach Response for your business.

Data Breach Response Services are limited to up to two (2) Data Breaches per Business Member per year.

Data Breach Remediation Services

Identity Theft Recovery Advocates are standing by for affected individuals following your business’s data breach.

Data Breach Remediation Services are limited to up to twenty-five thousand (25,000) Records per Business Member per year. Data Breach Remediation Services are available to Affected Individuals for one (1) year after they are notified of the Data Breach.

Data Breach Remediation Services can be provided to additional Records at the time of a Data Breach for an additional cost.

At the time that notice is made to affected individuals, the Identity Theft Recovery Advocates can provide, as needed:

If your Business has had a breach:

Call the Emergency Breach Services at 877-207-9545 immediately.

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CT

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do I receive if my business suffers a data breach?

One of the many benefits of IDSafeBiz is that you have access to a professional data breach response consultancy, NXG Strategies (NXG), if a breach of your data should occur. As soon as you notify NXG that you have suffered a breach, whether it is due to malicious activity or an accidental incident, work will begin on a customized response plan. NXG Strategies will create custom notification letters and detailed FAQ scripting for questions regarding your particular incident. All of these benefits will be provided to you at no cost, potentially saving thousands of dollars and extensive effort. When it is time to send your data breach notices to affected consumers, NXG will provide professional Identity Theft Recovery Advocates on standby who can assist consumers with questions, research potential fraudulent activity, and resolve identity theft issues for one year from the date of your notice. The services of the Identity Theft Recovery Advocates are available for up to 25,000 affected consumers per year, in up to two separate incidents.

If I have a data breach, whom do I contact?

If you suspect that your data has been breached, whether due to malicious activity or accidental breach, notify NXG Strategies at 877-207-9545. We will begin work immediately to assess the situation and create a customized response plan for your organization.

How can NXG help my business?

NXG’s Data Breach Response Team provides the expertise and tools necessary to fully respond to an internal data breach. This professional assistance allows you to stay focused on running your business while NXG works with you to deploy a complete plan of action. Having a professional data breach response team on your side can prevent lost productivity, market share and brand damage, regulatory fines and penalties, potential class action lawsuits, and possibly thousands of dollars in hard costs.

My data breach has affected my customers too. What can I do for them?

You can provide access to the highest level of professional identity theft research and recovery services available today through our professional Identity Theft  Recovery Advocates. Included with your sponsored program we cover up to 25,000 affected individuals per year, in up to two data breach incidents. If you need to cover more individuals or you would like to enhance the services that you offer with state-of-the-art fraud monitoring services we can help. You will also receive a special discounted rate as a member of the sponsored program.

What are the qualifications of the Identity Theft Recovery Advocates?

Our team includes professional Identity Theft  Recovery Advocates that are ready to provide fraud mitigation guidance, assistance with the placement of fraud alerts, and identity theft recovery services. The Identity Theft  Recovery Advocates are Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)-certified and hold the designation of Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist. They are prepared to do the legwork for your affected customers to restore their identities to pre-event status, no matter how long it takes. And, because it’s often a challenge to identify the root cause of identity theft, all types of identity fraud are covered – financial fraud, phone and utilities fraud, employment fraud, government documents and benefits fraud, medical fraud, and all others.

How long do the Identity Theft Services continue, and does fraud have to be connected to my breach?

No, we provide the services of the Identity Theft Recovery Advocate for any suspected or confirmed fraudulent activity for one year from the date of your notification letter, even if it cannot be proven that it is connected to your data breach incident -- and even if it is known that the fraud occurred for some other reason.

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